Monday, July 15, 2013

Things Got Quiet Part 2

Sorry to leave you with a cliff hanger of sorts. It was getting to be too long of a post so I thought I'd best stop and break there.

I had an ultrasound and labs done as directed. The only thing remaining for me was to wait for the next Endo appointment. That happened on June 7.

I honestly expected that appointment to be anything but a tweaked repeat of a different June. I'm not sure if I was being haunted by the ghost of June Past or if I was well being visited by Loki (another reference from my childhood days and stories I got to hear.)  What ever it was going on, I was totally not expecting it to play out as it did. If I had been given the slightest hint or clue that something was going to happen as it did, I surely wouldn't have brought my daughter with me. I'd of worked harder to find a babysitter for her or I'd of tried to bribe someone to take my son for a playdate/outing and let her stay home.

Instead because of drama in the waiting room which will be a topic of another post at another time...I had her come back with me to see/meet the doctor. After all what is so big a deal about getting one's meds tweaked and the possibility of a different test being done like an MRI. Something surely was going to occur like that and it would be stuff she could handle. Boy was I wrong.

The Endo comes in and decides he wants to give me the lecture about taking your meds at the same time of day every day with no food and only water and a full glass of water blah, blah, blah, blah. it's a prerequisite I think when it comes to treating my thyroid glitches. Cause they simply don't get that I've been dealing with this for so long that I have a habit of doing the thyroid supplement 4 hours min after my bedtime pills with water and then waiting another 4 hours to eat breakfast. It's a total pain in the rear because when I swallow something as little as  my pill my stomach is like Party time food is coming and then it gets very upset when all it gets is a bit of water and a tiny pill. No bacon and eggs or oatmeal or other solid food comes so it pouts and gives me a bad case of queasiness to rectify this and get the timing down it means I take my pill at 4 a.m. I get up I take my pill and drink the required amount of water, pad down to the bathroom, and return to bed in hopes of falling back to sleep so I don't get sick and lose the pill. I've learned this golden piece of wisdom from the years of experience in figuring it out during the first of many glitches.

Upon reassuring that the meds are being taken per schedule given by original Endo who had to deal with replacing my thyroid with meds and trying to find balance. I'm given the look. The one that screams loudly "There has to be something going on because it really shouldn't be so much of a problem if I am truly doing as I say, so just admit your not doing this." I ask about some other lab results and if they could possibly be run like copper, cortisol, adrenal stuff, etc. and of course the ultrasound. Seriously I stood my ground and said what's wrong with me cause I know I'm not nuts.

I ask what if anything the ultrasound showed. he didn't have it so he left to see if the nurse could find it. He comes back to do the annoying strangle you while you swallow your saliva or if your lucky drink some water. My first clue that something wasn't right was the fact that he kept having me do it several times. Usually it's a one incident with two to eight swallows on average. No, not this time. No this went on way longer than that. Then he immediately went for the nurse to get the ultrasound results.

OK no biggie. My dd was by this time thinking that something was very wrong. I was thinking it was probably nothing big other than something not getting put into my chart. So i tried to reassure her that everything was going to be fine. My dd has a 6th sense at times. She just knows when something is off and not always in a good way. Other times she's totally oblivious to any and everything around her. Unfortunately, this wasn't that time.

The doctor returns pulls up some thing on the computer looks at it and turns to me. In my mind, I'm thinking this is where he's going to say coughnutjobcough and tell me to not come back because the ultrasound is clean.

I was totally not expecting him to say that the ultrasound showed something but was fuzzy and I would need to see an ENT for a biopsy. Uh oh, this can't be good. My poor brain about fell out as it had to switch gears from the anticipated nothing on the ultrasound to Thou needs to get thee to an ENT. there was a whole lot of stuff said by the doctor. I only caught a few of the words as my daughter grabbed my arm with a death grip and started to compress the nerves and cut off the circulation. the words I caught was experience, cancer, biopsy, surgery, and more labs... Follow up in September.

I was able to get the blood drawn there at the office, I had to go to a different building down the road to get the equipment for the other test that was needed, and I had to wait for the scheduler to call me with something for the Endo all while trying to calm my daughter down.

It wasn't until I was talking to a rather distant but old friend of the family and she pointed it out that I was having a weird version of de ja vu. See in a long distant June, I had gone to this same Endo office but to a different Endo, the children's father was gone to a training only then it was to basic training for the military now it was training for boy scouts, my dd was with me both times but she was much younger then lol, then she was unaware and could care less and now she was very much aware and showed she cared by the death grip she kept insisting on giving my arm or hand and I very much was told that I would need to see someone about a biopsy.  However, instead of an ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor) I went to my mother's surgeon. another interesting thing was that I was the one who mentioned cancer not the Endo and this time it was the Endo and not me.

Again this is getting long so I'll stop here and add a part 3.

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