Sunday, September 14, 2003

Amy's Tutorial for Transparency

Transparency Tutorial

(Paint Shop Pro 7 Version)

It is important to remember that before you begin your graphic to rename the first layer "background" and turn it off (this can be done by clicking on the glasses to put a red x over them).


Add a new layer for the first part of your doll (ie. the head). Add a new layer for each new part of your doll (ie one layer for the head, another layer for the body, another for the legs, etc.).


When you have fully assembled your doll, go to layers->merge all visible.


Now, go to your background layer and click on the glasses again to make the background layer visible.


Make sure the background layer is selected and click on your background color on the color palette (on the right side of your screen). Make the background a weird color that isn’t in your graphic. I use neon colors.


Using your fill tool, fill the background of your image with your weird color by right clicking somewhere in the empty space around your doll.


Go to layers->merge all visible


Now go to file->export->gif optimizer.


In the transparency tab, at the bottom of the box, you’ll see "areas that match this color" and a color box. Make that color match your weird background color by clicking first on the color box and then somewhere on your weird color in the image in the top right box of the optimizer window. Click ok. Give your new doll a filename and press save.


You did it! It wasn’t that hard was it? LOL.


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